<?lc put header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" ?>
<title>インターラクティブ 一茶俳句上中下句抜々粋々 縦書き</title>
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a:visited {color: #333; }
a:hover {color: #999; }
a:active {color: #999; }
.bodyS { color: #333; font-size: 11px; font-family: SunSans-Regular, sans-serif; line-height: 12px }
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<span class="bodyS">
<a href="http://kenjikojima.com/haiku/"><b>LiveCodeを使って俳句 目次</b></a>
<a href="index.lc?file=index.lc">LiveCodeを見る。</a><br>
<a href="issaData.html" target="blank">データ収集コード</a><br>
<a href="mailto:index@kenjikojima.com">index@kenjikojima.com</a><br>
<!-- <a href="http://downloads.livecode.com/livecode/">LiveCode Community Server</a>が必要です。<br>
<div id="container">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="window.location.reload()">
--プログラミング言語は LiveCodeで書いています。
-- データを読み込む
get url ("file:issa.txt")
set itemDel to comma
put any line of it into line1
put item 1 of line1 into tKami
replace comma with " " in line1
put any line of it into line2
put item 2 of line2 into tNaka
replace comma with " " in line2
put any line of it into line3
put item 3 of line3 into tShimo
replace comma with " " in line3
put "<span class='container'>一茶俳句上中下句抜々粋々 縦書き</span><br>"
put "<span class='bodyS'>小林一茶の俳句の上句・中句・下句からそれぞれ抜粋して縦書きします。<br>もとの句<br>上句:" & \
line1 &"<br>中句:"& line2 &"<br>下句:"& line3 &"</span><br><br>"
-- 最も長い句の文字数を得る
put max(the num of chars of tKami, the num of chars of tNaka, the num of chars of tShimo) into tMax
-- 長い文字数に空白を揃える
repeat with i = 1 to tMax
if the num of chars of tKami<= tMax then put " " after tKami
if the num of chars of tNaka <= tMax then put " " after tNaka
if the num of chars of tShimo <= tMax then put " " after tShimo
end repeat
-- 文字数を3ステップごとに纏めてゆく
repeat with i=1 to tMax step 3
-- put char i to i + 2 of tSaku & " " after tHaiku
put char i to i + 2 of tShimo & " " after tHaiku
put char i to i + 2 of tNaka & " " after tHaiku
put char i to i + 2 of tKami & "<br>" &cr after tHaiku
end repeat
-- 縦文字用のカッコに変換
replace "(" with "︵" in tHaiku
replace ")" with "︶" in tHaiku
-- HTMLに出力
put tHaiku