<?lc put header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" ?> <!-- Author: Kenji Kojima, index@kenjikojima.com You can make variations of Cipher Project freely. This application was programmed by using LiveCode. Your server has to be installed LiveCode Community Server (free). http://downloads.livecode.com/livecode/ --> <html> <head> <title>CipherText Project by Kenji Kojima</title> <link href="../basic_iRev/css/simpleirev.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"/> </head> <!-- for see script --> <?lc include "script.lc" ?> <body> <div class="body" id="container2"> <!-- Donation --> <a href="http://kenjikojima.com/donation.html" target="_blank"><img alt="" border="0" src="http://kenjikojima.com/donation/donateBW.png"><font color="#999999" size="1"><i>Download Kenji Kojima's Apps</i> </font></a> <br> <!-- END Donation --> <h1>CipherText Project / 暗号計画 <span class="body">   <a href='http://kenjikojima.com/ango/jp.lc'>Japanese / 日本語</a> / <a href="index.lc?file=index.lc">Open Source</a> / <a href='http://kenjikojima.com/ango/encryptImage.lc'>Encrypt & Decrypt Image</a> </span></h1> <!-- Server has to be installed LiveCode Community Serevr. --> <b>This page has some troubles now. Probably the server application changed the settings. </b><br> This is a supplementary work of Kenji Kojima's "Cipher Art Project". A plaintext is encrypted to a ciphertext using algorithm blowfish 128 bit. You can send the ciphertext by email. Copy the only ciphertext from U2Fsd... to the last character. Paste it into the text field on the site and put the password. Click on "Encrypt / Decrypt" button. <font color="#588">The author does not take any responsibility for the result.</font> <p> <?lc function createForm pData return "<form action='index.lc' method='POST' name='collect' >Put a plaintext, or a ciphertext that was encrypted on this site into the text field. <br><textarea name='writeText' rows='10' cols='90' placeholder='copy and paste a plaintext or a ciphertext here. the ciphertext starts U2Fsd...' />" & pData & "</textarea><br>Password: <input name='name' type='name' autocomplete='off'/>     <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Encrypt / Decrypt'> <span class='bodyS'>Password should be over 6 characters (You can use any language). </span></form> <p><hr>" end createForm put $_POST["name"} into tPassword put $_POST["writeText"} into tData if tData is empty and tPassword is empty then put createForm(tData) if tData is empty and tPassword <> empty then put createForm(tData) if tData <> empty and the num of chars of tPassword < 6 then put createForm(tData) put "<h2>The password should be over 6 characters.</h2><br><br>" & "<a href='http://kenjikojima.com/ango/'>Refresh the page.</a>     " & "<a href='mailto:index@kenjikojima.com?subject=Cipher Project'>mail to the author Kenji Kojima</a>     <a href='http://kenjikojima.com'>http://kenjikojima.com</a>" exit to top end if if tData <> empty and char 1 to 5 of tData <> "U2Fsd" then put createForm(tData) encrypt tData using blowfish with tPassword at 128 bit put base64Encode(it) into tBase64Ango if the result <> empty then put the result &"<br>" & "I could not encrypt. <br><br>" else put baseConvert(ticks(), 10,16) into tCipherID --// ID //-- put "Cipher ID:" && tCipherID &cr& "The ciphertext starts from the 4th line 'U2Fsd ...' to the last character." &cr& "Go to http://kenjikojima.com/ango/ and paste The cipherText into the text field." &cr&cr& tBase64Ango into tAngoMail put "Cipher: Copy the whole texts. And paste them on your email. <br><span class='bodyS'>(The algorithm makes different ciphertext every time, even though same plaintext and same password.)</span><br>" put "<textarea onclick='this.select();' rows='10' cols='90' readonly>" & tAngoMail & "</textarea><br>" put "Password: " & tPassword & "   /   Cipher ID: " & tCipherID & "   /   <span class='bodyS'>You should hand the password and the Cipher ID directly, or send them by separated email.</span> <br><hr><br>" end if put "<a href='http://kenjikojima.com/ango/'>Refresh the page.</a>     " else if tData <> empty and char 1 to 5 of tData is "U2Fsd" then put createForm(tData) put base64Decode(tData) into tAngo64Decode decrypt tAngo64Decode using blowfish with tPassword at 128 bit if the result <> empty then put the result &"<br>" & "<h2>Wrong password of other troubles. I cannot encrypt. </h2><br><br>" else put "Decrypt: <br>" put "<textarea onclick='this.select();' rows='10' cols='90' readonly>" & it & " </textarea><br><hr>" end if put "<br><a href='http://kenjikojima.com/ango/'>Refresh the page.</a>     " end if end if ?> <a href="mailto:index@kenjikojima.com?subject=暗号計画 / Cipher Project">Email to the author Kenji Kojima</a>     <a href='http://kenjikojima.com/'>Online Exhibition http://kenjikojima.com</a> </div> </body> </html>